Facilities - Oil water separator
Oil / water separator
An oil / water separator treats stormwater by trapping oil at the surface of the water and sediment at the bottom, allowing treated water to pass through. It…
Facilities - Permeable Pavers
Permeable pavements and pavers
Permeable pavements and pavers allow stormwater to infiltrate the underlying aggregate base, where it soaks into the ground or drains to a system of underdrains…
Facilities - Pervious pavement
Good: Pervious asphalt, note the coarse
Pervious Pavement
Pervious pavement allows water to pass through it and soak into the ground, reducing…
Facilities - Sand filter
Sand filter
A sand filter functions by filtering stormwater through a sand bed. A typical sand filtration system consists of a pretreatment system for removing large sediment and…
Facilities - Bioretention
Bioretention (rain garden)
Bioretention facilities, also called rain gardens, use engineered soils and specific plants to trap and uptake pollutants in stormwater. Often located along roads…
Don't Drip and Drive - Diagnose your leak
Diagnose your car leakIdentifying the COLOR and LOCATION of your car leak can help diagnose the problem.
Front/Under Engine…
Don't Drip and Drive - Dr. Drip's Tips
Dr. Drip's tipsA guide to working with your mechanic
What to expect from your mechanic How do I find a good, reputable mechanic?If your car is…
38. Retina Icons
Retina Icons
Hover over each icon to reveal the icon class name. If you prefer a use searchable page of icons instead, please refer to the Ionicons home page.
Default pack…
Don't Drip and Drive - Preventative Maintenance Videos
Preventative maintenance videosDr. Drip’s tips for keeping your car leak-free.
Learn how to identify and prevent leaks
How to check for…
No Gotee y Maneje
¿Le preocupa que su automóvil tenga fugas?
Cuando su automóvil tiene fugas de aceite y de otros fluidos, muchas veces significa que hay problemas más serios.…