Businesses and stormwater
Businesses play a vital role in preventing pollution and helping manage stormwater. Following best practices and adhering to regulations can save your business money, help protect local streams, and support a positive public image.
To report spills, dumping into surface water or storm drains, and illicit sewer and waste water connections to the stormwater drainage system, call the Washington Department of Ecology 24-Hour Spill SW Region Response Hotline at 1-800-OILS-911 (1-800-645-7911).
Many businesses utilize large areas of impervious surfaces like parking lots, roads and rooftops. As rain or melting snow flows across your business property it can pick up pollutants such as dirt, oil, litter and anything else resulting from activities performed outside and uncovered. Once this slurry of polluted stormwater enters storm drains it does not get treated, which is why it is the responsibility of businesses to prevent this pollution.
Impervious surfaces also increase the amount of stormwater runoff. The sheer amount of stormwater runoff is enough to cause erosion and degrade streams, especially in urbanized areas. It can also cause local flooding.
Report a spill or environmental concern
To report spills, dumping into surface water or storm drains, and illicit sewer and waste water connections to the stormwater drainage system, call: Washington Department of Ecology 24-Hour Spill SW Region Response Hotline at 1-800-OILS-911 (1-800-645-7911).