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Maintenance - Main

Maintaining private stormwater facilities

The best way to limit big repairs and ensure that your facilities are working properly is to follow a regular inspection and develop a maintenance plan. For small, simple facilities, such as biofiltration swales, much of the maintenance can be done by neighbors or landscaping firms. More complex facilities require professional maintenance and repair.



You should have a current maintenance plan for your neighborhood's stormwater facilities. A plan might be outlined in your HOA's records or your CC&Rs. If neither is available, a maintenance plan must be formulated. 



A maintenace plan should have:

  • A schedule for routine maintenance
  • A record-keeping system for inspections and maintenance activities
  • Maintenance standards and procedures (such as mowing grass if higher than 10 inches, no standing water)
  • Designated volunteers and/or professionals responsible for inspections. Some local agencies routinely inspect private facilities; ask for a copy of the inspection report. Contact your local agency for information.
  • Designated volunteers and/or professionals responsible for maintenance

Maintenance for:

  • Pondsdetention pond, infiltration basin, treatment wetland, wetpond
  • Swalesbiofiltration, filter strip
  • Undergroundcatch basin, dry well, manhole, vaults



  • Maintenance checklists
  • List of maintenance contractors
  • Glossary


Performing a facility inspection
Stormwater facility inspection


Managing your stormwater system requires a combination of simple routine maintenance, such as raking leaves and mowing and removing grass debris. A significant amount of the work can be done by neighbors or those who do your regular grounds keeping. 


What type of facility do you have?

InfiltrationBasin2 sm sq.jpg



FilterStrip sm sq.jpg


VaultClosedDetention sm sq.jpg


Professional help

Occasionally, a contractor may need to be brought in. For example, for working in an underground vault or using a vacuum truck to clean a catch basin, you should consult a professional with the tools and training to complete the job safely and correctly. You should be sure that you, your HOA and anyone hired are properly insured.



Below is a list of contractors known to perform maintenance work on stormwater facilities.  Before hiring a contractor to maintain your stormwater facility ensure they are familiar with the work required to properly maintain the facility.  This is not a complete list of contractors, nor is it an endorsement of any particular contractor.

Maintenance contractor list